Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Coalition Seeks Supporters and Candidates

I'm writing this BLOG post to let you know of a coalition I am a member of, and to ask you to consider supporting our efforts in service to the PUSD Board of Education (School Board) functioning at the level of professionalism and excellence that our district deserves.

The goal of the Coalition For Effective School Board Leadership is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of School Board business through the endorsement of candidates running for School Board in the November, 2016 election.

Please learn more, and consider helping in the following ways:

Host a coffee meeting at your home or business to educate voters on the importance of this School Board election in November.  The Coalition will provide spokespersons to speak at your coffee meeting.

Check out our website at;  www.coalition4effectiveschoolboard.com

Endorse our work as a Coalition;

Consider running for School Board, or talking to someone you know who would make a great candidate!  We need people from the community who meet our 6 criteria for vetting candidates to run!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Keith Wilson Continues to Harass

I have talked about the pathetic and caustic e-mails Keith Wilson has sent members of the Poway Unified School District in the past. His e-mails all containing sexual innuendo and foul language directed at men and women alike. His comments seldom related to a specific educational topic and most always simply to harass and demean. I shared an e-mail in a prior post that Wilson sent to Sandy Burgoyne on April 6, 2016, at 11:10 AM. (See Below)

Yesterday I received another e-mail sent by Wilson on the same day at 9:24:59 AM. Wilson sent an e-mail to Candy Smiley, President of the Poway Federation of Teachers. (See Below)

Subject: PUSD Meeting
Date: April 6, 2016 at 9:24:59 AM PDT

Hello Candy,
I'm sorry that you left the meeting before I was able to say fuck you.  Your stone face belongs on Mt. Rushmore.
Did you notice that your IBPS partner has extremely small hands?
Feeling the love,
The above e-mail clearly shows the mind of a disturbed, troubled, pathetic person. Wilson's reference to an "IBPS partner" is a reference to the Superintendent and the small hands I think self explanatory due to the discussion among candidates for POTUS. Again, taking sexual innuendo and inserting it into an e-mail for no purpose other than to degrade and demean.

Is there any wonder why Kim Garnier, Keith Wilson's daughter, feels empowered to speak as she does and to write the caustic e-mails she does? Chris Garnier is in another league when it comes to caustic e-mails and speech. Put the three together and you have to feel for the children being raised in that home. They do not stand a chance.

Ten Years folks. Ten years before the light at the end of the tunnel will begin to flicker. What happens in ten years? Think.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

PUSD School Board April 5, 2016

I can write until my fingers cramp and truly not capture the realities of the dysfunction of the Board of Education for the Poway Unified School District. I don't want give the picture or belief the entire board is the cause of this dysfunction. The easiest way for people to make this judgement is to attend or watch video of the School Board in action. The PUSD videos all board meeting and places them on their web site for the community to view. (Click HERE for link)

I have viewed the video from the April 5, 2016, board meeting several times. I took the time to break out segments of the meeting to highlight some of the dysfunction, unprofessional and at times hostile words among boards members. Like public comments, it appears civility and professional decorum is no longer the norm, but more of the anomaly. 

At the board meeting on the 5th, the actions of board members that caught my attention started around the 2:09 mark in the video. Starting with "First Read" item F212 Revisions to Board Policy 4.123 Sexual Harassment. The discussion regarding the changes being proposed had me scratching my head. Did I understand clearly Ms. Beatty's concerns? She didn't want mandatory reporting of Sexual Harassment if the law did not mandate it? That this would in some way create a liability to the district when reported? I'm confused. I watched this item a couple of times trying to understand her concerns and was left with not understanding what really she was trying to get at.

Then came the fun part of the meeting "New Items" on the board agenda. H702 and H703. These start at the 2:17:42 mark on the video. The first item H702 was brought forward by Ms. Beatty and Mr. Sellers. The item was brought forward to discuss the use of legal firms. No explanation is necessary. Watch the exchanges and words spoken. I will point out that in my life time of living in the City of San Diego and reading the San Diego Union Tribune, I take exception to anyone who uses an article in this daily periodical, as fact or reason for any action.

Then comes item H703, starting at the 2:24:10 mark of the video. This item was again brought forward as a new item by Ms. Beatty and Mr. Sellers. The item was a new job description and position "Deputy Superintendent of Administrative Services". Ms. Beatty starts her presentation at 2:25:10 of the video. I condensed several snips of the dialogue that took place for this item. First is Ms. Beatty.

  After some discussion Mr. Patapow.

Mr. Sellers

Mr. Zane

More Sellers with O'Connor-Ratcliff

Ms. Beatty and Mr. Patapow

Mr. Pujar (Student Representative)

Mr. Sellers

There is more discussion and we come back to Sellers.

Nearing the end with Mr. Pujar, Sellers and Mr. Zane.

I know, you thought it was ending. 

The last words, kinda, sorta......

There was more to this discussion and I would strongly urge you to view the almost 50 minutes of back and forth among board members.

The discussion ended and the meeting came to a close. The real fire works took place after the cameras were turned off. Mr. Sellers verbally attacked a member of the staff. His words and actions a reflection of his inability to act in a professional manner. The lack of civility, total arrogance and condescending manner with which he comports himself is completely and totally unacceptable. His is a symptom of a degradation of character that permeates the board room. 

Ms. O'Connor-Ratcliff, Mr. Zane and Mr. Patapow each attempts to act with civility and respect in the face of those who chose to attack with each exchange. Staff has grown weary of the badgering and constant condescending attacks of their abilities and character. It has to change. We have to change it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Must See Public Comments from the PUSD Board Meeting April 5, 2016

It has been a while since I last posted. Sometimes work gets in the way of other activities and interests. I have also been working with others in an attempt to have a positive impact on the lives of students and education. But, I find it necessary to again devote the time to contribute to this BLOG and highlight some behavior that is not positive nor contributing in a positive manner to the education experience of children in the Poway Unified School District.

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016, the monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held. The meeting was a perfect display of what is wrong with the Board of Education and some members of the public. Three members of the public, who spoke during Item C of the agenda, showed again their true character. First on display was Keith Wilson. Wilson was called (1:12:58 on the video) and as he does, focused his diatribe of hate and filth toward the superintendent.

(Video clip of his comments)

This individual lacks good moral character. The hatred and repulsive comments spewing from Wilson's mouth highlight the assemblage of poor moral character he exhibits on a regular basis in both word and action.  

Wilson was followed by his son-in-law, Christopher Garnier. Garnier was called to the microphone at 1:16:14 on the video. Watch as Garnier sits and stares at the members of the board. Then listen carefully to his words. 

(Video clip of his comments)

Christopher Garnier, like his father-in-law, lacks good moral character. Garnier will use words to shock and scare others, as he does in his diatribe, far removed from anything to do with moving the educational experience of children in a positive direction. When challenged for his use of offensive words, he will site his right to free speech. The repulsive comments and hatred he exhibits are clear examples of the content of his character, having nothing to do with the color of his skin.

Christopher Garnier was followed by his wife, Kim Garnier, daughter of Keith Wilson. Kim Garnier was called to the microphone at 1:20:43 on the video. 

(Video clip of her comments)

Kim Garnier makes some very bold statements and allegations. What I find interesting is her lack of supporting documents. Let's say what Kim Garnier said in the above clip is accurate. Let's say the quote attributed to a captain with the San Diego Police Department was provided accurately. Don't you believe Kim Garnier would have had copies of these e-mails to shove in the faces of the board members? She was reading from notes on a piece of paper. She was not reading from documents retrieved from a PRA. Bottom line, Kim Garnier is not relevant nor believable. Like her father and like her husband, a lack of character shows through her every word and action. Victims who yell the loudest, the most often and when questioned are seldom victims of another, but victims of their own making.

I saw in the Pomerado News that Wilson and his group had "called off" the re-call effort to re-call Mr. Patapow. In the article, Wilson boasts his group secured 8,000 signatures. Excuse me for what I am about to write; BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Wilson et al may have obtained 800 signatures, at most. His assertion they obtained 8,000 signatures if patently false and not reflective of reality. To add to their deception, Wilson and his "coalition" formed to seek candidates for this years school board election, announced in the same press release, used content from the web site Coalition for Effective School Board Leadership . 

Lastly, to highlight the lack of moral character of Keith Wilson; I received an e-mail Keith Wilson sent to a staff member of PUSD on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at 11:10 AM.

The words and actions of Keith Wilson, Christopher and Kim Garnier, highlight again a family that lacks of moral character on a grand scale. The sad reality is the affect this is having on the three young children in this home. Hate cannot be turned off at the door as one enters his/her home. Playing the victim is quickly learned through the eyes and ears of a young and impressionable child. The repeated sexual references, in every diatribe delivered by Keith Wilson, no doubt played over and rehearsed for all to hear, fall onto the ears of the young and not so innocent ears of the impressionable child. It is truly sad to witness such hatred.