Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rev. Al Sharpton - Rev. Shane Harris - Christopher Garnier

What do the three names in the title of this post have in common? Many know who the Reverend Al Sharpton is. Many of you know who Christopher Garnier is. But, how many of you know who the Reverend Shane Harris is?

The School Board meeting last night was again held before a packed house. There were rumors the Garnier's invited Carmen Miranda-Griffith, past president of CSEA in Escondido Union School District to speak on their behalf. The Garnier's appeared at Escondido's School Board meeting the week before, creating quite a stir, challenging the Board on everything from Brown Act violation accusations, threats of a law suit, to racism. The Escondido Grapevine carried an article about the meeting "Escondido Union School District gets Curiouser and Curiouser" 

Miranda-Griffith was called to speak by Mr. Patapow and it was clear she did not have a true grasp of what it was she was trying to say (Her words can be heard at 1:37). The three points she was trying to make centered around the District's relationship with Dan Shinoff, a pay raise for Dr. Collins and the Restraining Order handed down by the courts for Christopher Garnier. It appeared she had been sold a bill of goods by the Garnier's and truly did not understand what she was talking about.

Darlene Willis spoke before the Board, bringing to light harassment she has received for her speaking before the Board at the December meeting. Dr. Willis talked about threats received from someone in the audience (Kim Garnier) and her need to seek a restraining order. Dr. Willis also thanked the Board and District for what they were doing for February's Black History Month as well as the recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

Then came Shane Harris. I should say, The Reverend Shane Harris. (To listen to his words, start at 1:49) . I transcribed what Harris had to say. 

"I am here today, I come in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I come as San Diego President of the National Action Network. I head up the chapter and work in conjunction with the Reverend Al Sharpton. I will say this, I don't know you and by no means am I going to judge you as a Board. But, I'm here to speak on behalf of the untold heroes of Poway. I'm here to speak on behalf of those who are under-served and under represented in North County and I'm here to really deal with the fact that this law firm that you have had, the Shinoff Law Firm, Dan Shinoff, dealing with this law firm and dealings you have had, I've heard for some time about North County in general dealing with this law firm and legal council that it provides and I'm very concerned about people in this position where they are just speaking from a passionate place of challenges that are happening in their community and in their schools but feeling like if they speak up or say something too much that they will be restrained from that point on from really being able to speak from the passionate place of challenges that are happening in their community. I'll this, there's a young man names Chris Garnier that we are joining an alliance with and we are going to fight for Chris. We are going to ensure justice for Chris and with me, being the co-publisher of a news paper here in San Diego, The San Diego Monitor News Paper and my relationship with the media. I want to tell a good story about Poway School District. I want to tell a story where we are able to meet and have a conversation Ms. President to ensure that justice and clarity and communication are happening between particularly the black and Hispanic communities of Poway. So I would like for his, this restraining order and this constant issue of restraining orders against people for speaking. That they have their opportunity to voice their opinions clearly and I want to ensure that you know we are watching. I have made a call to the Reverend Al Sharpton. I want to make the right decision here and I want you to make the right decision here, we can make this the easy way or the hard way, but I want to ensure that we get this done for the people. The people must have a voice and so since Chris is restrained" 
 (Microphone shut off, 3 minute time limit up)

At this point, Harris resumed his seat in the audience and made an attempt to continue his presentation, which was denied by the Board President. A brief exchange took place with Miranda-Griffith getting into the debate. Shortly after this, Harris and Miranda-Griffith left the Board Room. In the lobby, Kim Garnier thanks Harris and Miranda-Griffith for their presentations. As Harris and Miranda-Griffiths head for the exit, Dr. Willis and Marsha Dodson offered another side to the story. The discussion moved outside and continued for about twenty minutes. I stood by and listened to the exchanges and came away from this experience shaking my head in disbelief. It was abundantly clear, Harris and Miranda-Griffiths are under the impression the Garnier's are victims. Miranda-Griffiths mantra was centered on Dan Shinoff. Everything she said was tied to Dan Shinoff. Harris believed the Garnier's were facing restraining orders from the Board and driven by Dan Shinoff. Harris was clearly blinded by his ambition and the lies given him by the Garnier's about their plight. Dr. Willis and Ms. Dodson and others were polite and informative. Harris was obviously uncomfortable with what Willis and Dodson were saying. But, he held strong in his commitment to the Garnier's  

A brief look at Harris' background shows a young man who grew up too fast and struggled in his youth. His father died when he was very young, his mother unfit to care for him due to drug use, he bounced through the foster care system and spent some time on the streets. He bounced around the juvenile justice system and as a teenager went to church for the first time. The church became a focal point for him and his life took a different turn. Harris formed "The Shane Harris Ministries Inc."  Harris describes himself as a Visionary, Civil Rights Leader, TV Commentator, Ordained Minister/Preacher, Radio Show Host and Activist. Harris is the President of the National Action Network, San Diego Branch. (NAN - San Diego) NAN was founded by Al Sharpton. 

This young man, well intention-ed as he is, has been fed a series of half truths, lies and exaggerations by the Garnier's. The brief education Harris received from Dr. Willis, Marsha Dodson and others should give him cause to step back, ask questions and rethink the fight he is threatening. I have doubts this young man is capable of doing this, but time will tell. 

The Reverend Al Sharpton is being used as a tool (did I just say that?) to threaten the Board and District. Harris implies his position as "co-publisher" of a newspaper, president of NAN and "relationship with the media" as well as his connection to Al Sharpton,  should scare the Board and District into meeting his demands or those of the Garnier's. Subtle, veiled, implied threats.... yet again. 

If you did not attend the meeting, I strongly urge everyone to listen to the meeting or watch the video when it is available. Beatty and Sellers were in rare form. Listen to Sellers "Board Member Report" which was not a report as defined in Board Policy. Beatty also goes beyond the scope of a "Board Member Report". Then the vote on D-201, Sellers voting "no"; D-202, Managers Contract; Sellers and Beatty trying to "Table" the action and then both voting "no" when their attempt to table failed. 

This afternoon, I was again spammed with a pathetic e-mail from Keith Wilson. (See Below)

-----Original Message----- []

Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 1:26 PM

Cc:;;;; Steve L. McMillan;

Subject: College Bound Increased Funding Linked to Prostitution

Dear PUSD School Board Trustees,

I would appreciate an explanation as to how College Bound's funding increased from $20,000 to $75,000 without  Board approval.  Is there any District oversight on how College Bound spends our funds?  Does the District check to see if funds are being used for personal use?  I saw an invoice College Bound submitted for food that I believe was over $1800.00 that apparently surprised the District and Mel Robertson reluctantly approved the reimbursement.

I read several emails where Darlene Willis pressured John Collins to increase CB's funding.  Can Collins increase the funding on his own without the board being involved??

This is my take on the December 2015 Board Meeting:

Darlene Willis prostituted herself by throwing Chris Garnier under the bus for increased PUSD funding and even with that,  her praise of Collins was  "he's not perfect".  Steve McMillan is encouraging Darlene Willis to go after the Garniers which sort of makes him a Pimp and Collins is giving Darlene money so he is the John.

It all makes sense.

Keith Wilson

Wilson cannot help himself and again uses sexual innuendo in an attempt to make a point. What makes this e-mail so pathetic is the part of my involvement with Darlene Willis, going after the Garnier's. It was the Garnier's who went after Dr. Willis, with a vengeance, after Dr. Willis spoke at the December Board Meeting, in support of Dr. Collins and voicing disapproval of the way the Garnier's were handling their grievances with the Board and Dr. Collins. The actions of the Garnier's after her comments at the Board meeting, gave Dr. Willis cause to become fearful of herself and her family and on her own, sought a restraining order to protect herself and her family. I did not talk to Dr. Willis before her comments at the December meeting, nor did I have any discussion with her related to the harassment at the hands of the Garnier's. I can relate to Dr. Willis, because I have experienced the same harassment at the hands of the Garnier's and Wilson. I accept the fact I will receive unwanted spam e-mails as a result of this BLOG. I do not accept the repeated telephone calls, voice mails and e-mails to my office, nor text messages, voice mails and e-mails on Christmas Day, as being part of what is to be expected for my posts. The threats are veiled, subtle and implied and always present in every text, e-mail or voice mail. I though will continue to suffer the fools of Christopher and Kim Garnier, Keith Wilson and Tom Moore.

There is NOTHING about this that makes any sense.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Christopher Garnier vs Escondido School District

When you think this guy couldn't show any more of his character, or lack there of, he shows up at the School Board Meeting in Escondido. Keep in mind Garnier does not live in the district. Before you read any more, check out the link provided below, of the video taken presumably by his wife Kim.

The antics of this individual and his wife are so far off the charts I can't begin to put to words how pathetic he is. He continues to create conflict and issues and interject himself into conflict and issues of others. I have been following the issues in Oregon with the idiots up there and every time I watch a segment about this, I expect to see Christopher and Kim Garnier or Keith Wilson as part of the coverage. 

Tuesday, there will be yet another court hearing, involving a request for a Restraining Order, the focus of the order being Kim Garnier. I will follow up with more information when it becomes available. I do know the person seeking the order has been a long time, involved parent, volunteer in the PUSD, who recently spoke at a PUSD Board meeting, in support of Mr. Patapow and Dr. Collins.

The web sites launched in support of Mr. Patapow have received extremely positive comments from 99.9% of those offering comments. The ONE negative comment came from Christopher Garnier who also found the sites. That's a good thing. This means people are paying attention and are starting to see who and what the Garniers and Wilsons are all about. 

Tom Moore apparently continues to pepper the district with public information requests and sending complaints to the District Attorney for his perceived criminal wrong doing by various individuals. This explains the constant rants and boasts of the Garnier's that there are imminent indictments coming for PUSD employees, past and present. The saga continues.

Information for next Tuesdays PUSD Board meeting is that Carmen Miranda-Griffith, the past president of CSEA in Escondido, will be in attendance and speaking. Watch for Christopher and Kim Garnier to offer their usual obligatory standing-o, to whatever it is Carmen provides.

Time for a cigar, single malt and some football.... Have a wonderful day.... remember to share the info for the two below Web Sites;

Friday, January 15, 2016

Say NO to the Recall of Patapow

The effort to recall Mr. Patapow is a total and complete waste of taxpayer money, time and energy that could and should all be used to further the educational experience for the children of the Poway Unified School District. A small group of disgruntled individuals, angry about the past, who want to further their personal vendetta and agenda at the expense of all student learning, is behind the recall effort. Do not be fooled by their baseless accusations. Mr. Patapow is a man of honor, integrity, compassion and care. His focus has always been students first. Each and every decision made by Mr. Patapow, during his 50+ years in education, was made with the thought of what is best for kids and education.

Please, pass the word and just say "NO" to those seeking signatures for the recall. Taxpayers and even more so, STUDENTS deserve better. The $500,000 it could cost for a special election should be spent on kids and education. The time and energy taken away from the focus of educating children cannot be made up. Do not allow this small group of misguided individuals the power to take away from the educational opportunities for all students in the Poway Unified School District.

There are two new web sites related to the recall of Mr. Patapow. Please share them with friends.

Thank you for putting kids and education FIRST!!!!