The effort to recall Mr. Patapow is a total and complete waste of taxpayer money, time and energy that could and should all be used to further the educational experience for the children of the Poway Unified School District. A small group of disgruntled individuals, angry about the past, who want to further their personal vendetta and agenda at the expense of all student learning, is behind the recall effort. Do not be fooled by their baseless accusations. Mr. Patapow is a man of honor, integrity, compassion and care. His focus has always been students first. Each and every decision made by Mr. Patapow, during his 50+ years in education, was made with the thought of what is best for kids and education.

Please, pass the word and just say "NO" to those seeking signatures for the recall. Taxpayers and even more so, STUDENTS deserve better. The $500,000 it could cost for a special election should be spent on kids and education. The time and energy taken away from the focus of educating children cannot be made up. Do not allow this small group of misguided individuals the power to take away from the educational opportunities for all students in the Poway Unified School District.
There are two new web sites related to the recall of Mr. Patapow. Please share them with friends.
Thank you for putting kids and education FIRST!!!!
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