Thursday, July 7, 2016

Trouble Makers NOT Welcome During the Rebellion

The other day I was bored and scanning the internet news and came across an article by Dick Lyles in the Pomerado News. The article; “Not Enough to Merely Rebel”, was about a “rebellion” taking place in the Poway Unified School District. Mr. Lyles brings up issues facing the district and talks about the “Coalition for Effective School Board Leadership”, chaired by Mary Andrews. Ms. Andrews has brought together nineteen individuals from the community in hopes of (taken from Mr. Lyles) “ensuring the rebellion achieves a positive outcome.” The coalition was put together with the intent to endorse candidates for the upcoming school board election to be held in November. In the end, Mr. Lyles encourages readers to; “check out the coalition, do your own homework on the school board elections and support candidates who will restore PUSD to greatness.” He finishes with “It’s not enough to merely rebel. We must ensure that the outcome of the rebellion benefits the common good, our community and our children.” Who could argue with his call for voters to get involved and pay attention?

The comments that followed the article, highlight a symptom of a greater problem in our society and the PUSD specifically. Christopher Garnier and his wife, Kimberley, took over the spotlight. As they are accustomed, they begin to assault, threaten and re-hash old news. The first post was from Christopher that read as follows:

“Though I am grateful that Mr. Lyles acknowledges our necessary "rebellion" in order to eliminate the massive corruption plagued by the leadership of Poway Unified School District, no one should support the new coalition "vetting" candidates for our new Board of Education. The new coalition includes the same old names who have destroyed our great school district initially to include Mr. Steve McMillian and Mr. Scott Fisher. Mr. Lyles has written a great article in regards to the power of the "rebellion" but needs to do a better job in researching the group that he has endorsed.”

Christopher points to me and Scott Fisher as two individuals who, in his words, “have destroyed our great school district.” He cites our involvement as reason to not support the coalition.

Next are the lovely words of his wife, Kimberly Garnier. Kimberly writes:

There are too many like that around here. I have several stories about Scott Fisher and they will come out since he is tied to choosing a new school board member.

When the suspension rate for minority student is 4 times the suspension rate for white students, change needs to be made. When nooses are made for black students and it is categorized as a misunderstanding, change need to be made. When black students are threatened to be killed with an AR-15 and no one in the district acknowledges it, change needs to be made. 

The status quo at PUSD will cease to exist. If folks don't want a more integrated school district, then now is the time to leave. 

No justice, no peace.

You have made it this far, now go back and re-read her words again, carefully. OK, you back to this point? Now, got back and re-read what Christopher wrote above. OK, back? Seriously, go back and re-read the two posts written by the Garniers.

Next, came the following, written by Christopher;

“Scott Fisher is a bigoted, racist. I have personally called him on multiple occasions to ask questions about this new coalition, he refuses to return my telephone calls. I look forward to exposing him as the bigot that he is.”

So, let me try and put this into context. Christopher Garnier “personally called him (Mr. Fisher) on multiple occasions to ask questions about this new coalition, he refuses to return my telephone calls.” So, Christopher concludes Mr. Fisher is a “bigoted, racist” and he (Garnier) is “looking forward to exposing him (Mr. Fisher) as the bigot that he is.” You see, when Christopher does not get his way, he becomes a bombastic, caustic, bully. He flexes, puffs and pounds on his chest, spewing his vitriol, threatening to sue and worse “attack” those who do not acquiesce to his demands. But, the Garnier’s are not finished. 

Kimberly then moves all in and writes the following;

Anyone tied to the people who brought PUSD so far down the rabbit hole need to be escorted out the door. John Collins took Hogarth, Tholandi, Wakefield, Newman, Burgoyne, Walton and several others with him. Candy Smiley and this new coalition need to follow him out that same door.

I look forward to exposing the cockroaches that still linger like Scott Fisher, Marc Davis and Steve McMillan. PUSD will be great again but not until the old cronies are all kicked out.

I remember when people used to come to board meetings to try to help out poor old John and now he has fallen so far from grace, only the slowest and least educated would support him. Several others will join John in his disgraced reputation and the community will come together to fight for a school district with integrity and strong leadership.

The school board was given a mandate by the tax payers and community members and only Trustee Beatty and Trustee Sellers have honored their campaign promises. Board President Michelle O'Connor-Ratcliff, Trustee Zane and Trustee Patapow continue to give our school district's money to Mr. Dolinka, the man who profited off of sticking our community with the Billion Dollar Bond. They continue to work with Dan Shinoff (google him if you don't already know) and William Shinoff who released private data to individuals and possibly third party vendors.

After Collins altered the $40,000 Moore Report, PUSD spent thousands of dollars on a PR Firm to dupe the public into thinking it wasn't that bad... When our schools are lacking in technology and our libraries are subpar, when the Poway High pool can't even be used, our district leaders spend valuable money on a PR Firm to trick us? All I can do is shake my head.

Mark my words, we will lose our best teachers and staff if we continue down the "Collins and Cronies Rabbit Hole". Property values will plummet if we continue with the status quo. The rebellion was the beginning and the revolution has only just begun. The parents, teachers and tax payers are taking back their power. A new union is even forming for the teachers because of Candy Smiley's corruption. No more of the same old ways and the same old people. A new day is here for PUSD and this community will make sure we are better than ever.

Again we have the best of the best, writing about things Kimberly knows intimately; “I look forward to exposing the cockroaches that still linger like Scott Fisher, Marc Davis and Steve McMillan. PUSD will be great again but not until the old cronies are all kicked out.” 

Nichole Clark replied to Kimberly’s posted comment above. Here is Nichole’s comment;

I believe that voters are smart enough to google Scott Fisher and then the Garniers. On the one hand we have a man who has dedicated his life to the youth of the Poway School District, serving as a teacher and a principal for decades, a man well-loved and revered by all who know him. And on the other hand we have a man who has harassed and terrorized employees of this district to the point where restraining orders are issued. Why in the world would the intelligent citizens residing within PUSD take the word of the latter who is actively working to destroy the good reputation of the former and others like him who have dedicated their lives to our children?

Kim, is your life really so miserable that you feel the need to attack, beat down, and destroy the good reputations of those who have done the most for our kids? I feel sorry for you.

Well, I must say, a little gasoline goes a long way when the wind is blowing and there is already a fire burning. Kimberly is on fire with her retort to Ms. Clark’s comments. Kimberly writes; (Copied from site)

Kim Garnier ·
Works at Premier Athletics

Nichole Clark, I usually do not respond to fake social media accounts but in the interest of justice, I will respond to your accusations and assertions. As far as "attacking, beating down and destroying" the reputations of those "who do the most for our kids" I will say I have merely exposed those who claim to serve our kids. John Collins used public funds for his private use. I merely exposed that. Board members and John Collins allowed the Dolinka Group to burden our tax payers with a Billion Dollar CAB, and I exposed those issues. Tracy Hogarth lied repeatedly to community members and I exposed that. John Collins and Dan Shinoff hid money used for a PR Firm to trick the public about the CAB fiasco and about John Collins altering and hiding a $40,000 report about how our Technology Dept at PUSD is failing. I also exposed that. If you think these people are "serving the kids" than I question your priorities. The list goes on and on about the people I have "attacked" and I am damn proud of the corruption my husband and I have exposed. You prefer to allow these egregious actions to continue while our students, teachers and tax payers pay the price. Perhaps you are also part of the problem.

As far as your google search, I implore you to continue your research. As long as Scott Fisher chooses to be a part of any school board activity, he will be exposed. The anecdotes you have heard about your friend, Mr. Fisher, I'm sure are very similar to the anecdotes and fables formerly told about John Collins. If Scott Fisher can stand the heat, he's more than welcome to stay in the kitchen. This is a democracy after all.

Please also continue your research as Mr. Garnier wins his case on appeal and is awarded damages after being railroaded for being a whistleblower. Mr. Garnier has exposed the discrepancies in the way minority students are treated at PUSD compared to their white counterparts. He has exposed John Collins and his administration. He has exposed the Dolinka Group and corrupt board members. He has exposed the Shinoff law firm and Dan Shinoff in particular. If Mr. Garnier is wrong about his accusations, then why is he allowed at PUSD and John Collins is not? Why is Dan Shinoff being dropped as an attorney throughout San Diego and possibly losing his license to practice law? Mr. Garnier has a reputation for standing up to bullies and corrupt institutions. He has a reputation for serving his country in the Marine Corps only to come home and serve the less fortunate and the underserved communities. If you want to talk about men who serve the children, I guarantee Mr. Garnier's resume will embarrass Scott Fisher's any day of the week. People like you have tried repeatedly to lie and mislead the public about Mr. Garnier to the point that he was accused of "stolen valor" for his military awards. We laugh because as annoying as it is that there are people as evil and un-American as you are, you're just plain wrong and we know the truth will eventually come to the light. I think you know that the truth will come and that is why you refuse to identify yourself.

If you truly believed in what you were writing, you would put your name to your assertions and back up your statements with facts. You chose to remain anonymous and behave as a coward. You will eventually disappear with the rest of the cockroaches who left PUSD and the ignorant masses who drank the PUSD kool-aid for far too long, depriving the students of a top notch education in a district run by corruption and greed.

I enjoyed my time responding to you. You gave me the platform to knock down your ridiculous accusations and inform the public of the real issues at PUSD; the issues that take away funds and resources from our students and teachers.

And just for your peace of mind, I have a beautiful life with my beautiful family. My "misery" only exists when I am unable to expose the bad guys who take from the kids. Fortunately, because of the efforts of my husband, myself and some amazing community members, I'm not too miserable these days. In fact, after John Collins is officially kicked out of PUSD on July 11, 2016, I will be feeling pretty darn good.

Kimberly’s comments can best be described as repetitive and pathetic. To prove my point, Kimberly’s own words can be used; “I enjoyed my time responding to you. You gave me the platform to knock down your ridiculous accusations and inform the public of the real issues at PUSD”. She “enjoyed” the time it took to write her comments and it gave her a “platform” to inform the public of the “real issues at PUSD”. I shake my head as I read this vitriol rant of old news and pathetic accusations, by a troubled woman.

But, we are not done. Christopher takes the final step in their assault by posting what he purports to be a message from a teacher. The post below; (Copied from site) (Since Deleted from site)

Christopher Garnier ·
CEO / Commissioner at Premier Athletics

What teachers are saying about Poway Unified School District:

Just one message from Laura Bruvold:

"Hi Kim Garnier- I am a teacher in PUSD and the mom of a Black son who attends Monterey Ridge. I am being "evaluated" this year so I am hesitant to make waves. But I want you to know that we have experienced so much racism in this district as parents. My son, who qualified for GATE on his first try, has been labeled a "severe behavior problem" since he was in the PEARL Center... At 18 months old! We support you in your calls for Mr. Collins (I refuse to call him "doctor"; my brother is a medical doctor) to address racism in our district. He is one of the Old Boys Network from the Bob Reeves days. My mom taught at Los Pen since 1978 and I am a grad of MCHS... The skeletons are plentiful! But I am now rambling. Please know your family has our support. Sincerely , Laura (I currently teach Special Ed at Sundance)" (Since deleted as not factual)

I see this post and the name attributed to the “message” and I am suspicious. I have had conversations with this person and I am curious. Well, my curiosity was well founded and right on. Two days after seeing this post, I receive an unsolicited message from Ms. Bruvold. In the message, she said the post by Christopher Garnier attributed to her, was modified through creative editing and was written over two years ago. But, it does not end here!!!

On July 6, 2016, Kimberly Garnier sent an e-mail, addressed to PUSD Board Members, again using the two plus year old, creatively edited message from Ms. Bruvold. (Copy of e-mail sent by Kimberly Garnier)

Dear PUSD Board Members,

Here is another example of what teachers are saying, before they can be bullied or threatened. The following statement is truthful and unfiltered.

Hi Kim- I am a teacher in PUSD and the mom of a Black son who attends Monterey Ridge. I am being "evaluated" this year so I am hesitant to make waves. But I want you to know that we have experienced so much racism in this district as parents. My son, who qualified for GATE on his first try, has been labeled a "severe behavior problem" since he was in the PEARL Center... At 18 months old! We support you in your calls for Mr. Collins (I refuse to call him "doctor"; my brother is a medical doctor) to address racism in our district. He is one of the Old Boys Network from the Bob Reeves days. My mom taught at Los Pen since 1978 and I am a grad of MCHS... The skeletons are plentiful! But I am now rambling. Please know your family has our support. Sincerely , Laura (I currently teach Special Ed at Sundance)

I have several more, similar, messages from this same teacher. Since writing these messages, she and her husband suddenly became some of the biggest supporters of PUSD and those around this couple have said PUSD "got to them". Her honest words, free from intimidation, speak volumes.

Kim Garnier

The “creative editing” of a two plus year old private message, “modified” to help bolster their argument, clearly show the Garnier’s will do anything to make their point. Their posting of this message, is pure deception. Their representation of this message as being the current beliefs of the person whose name they attribute to being the author, is a lie. We have both Garnier’s providing misleading and false information to people, by way of a modified and creatively edited message, sent over two years ago to Kimberly, from a person who was struggling with ensuring the best for her child and frustrated with the issues she faced in doing so. The Garnier’s have shown with these two, separate, presentations of a message written two years ago and modified to fit their agenda, their lack of integrity and poor character. The author of the original message, has said the message was “modified” and “creative editing” used and that the message posted by Christopher, as well as the e-mail sent by Kimberly to Board Members on July 6, 2016, at 9:38 AM as not being accurate. The message was also sent to a gaggle of others listed in the "cc" section of the e-mail, as is the practice of the Garnier’s. The author of the original message indicated the original message was sent over two years ago and she has long since been able to remedy the problems she encountered and her son has flourished.

The Garnier’s has shown they are willing to bully, threaten, yell, rant and rave in an attempt to further their personal agenda. They have also shown they are willing to deceive, fabricate and exaggerate information to help in their furtherance of an agenda that has taken away from the ability of so many to function and provide for the education of children. The caustic, vitriol exchanges proffered by the Garnier’s and Keith Wilson (Kimberly Garnier’s father) have had a chilling effect on good people who simply seek to do good for others. The glaring lack of integrity and moral character of Christopher and Kimberly Garnier and Keith Wilson, should be a signal to others that the ability to seek and obtain meaningful and positive outcomes from the “rebellion” taking place at PUSD, will not produce the changes necessary to make for a better learning environment for children. Good teachers, parent volunteers, administrators and staff are and will continue to leave the district as a result of Kimberly and Christopher Garnier and Keith Wilson’s harassment. It is time for good people to stand in unison and say, “Enough”. It is time to stand against the bullying, threats, yelling, ranting and raving and send a message that the behaviors and words of these three people is not acceptable anywhere , let alone at the PUSD.

A final note to the character of Christopher Garnier. Christopher called Mary Andrews on Sunday, July 3, 2016. In the voice mail left my Christopher, he stated that if Scott Fisher or Mary did not call him within the next day or two, he "will have no problem attacking you (Mary) and your coalition full force, and you know exactly what that means, ma'am."  Is there any doubt why a judge issued a restraining order, restraining Christopher from a school site? Is there any doubt why others have sought similar restraining orders to protect themselves from an individual who uses veiled and real threats to intimidate and harass? Is there any doubt this is an individual who is not capable of adhering to societies norms and believes he is above it all? 

It has been said that, "All it takes for evil to flourish, is for good people to do nothing".

I chose to stand up and say, "ENOUGH".