Friday, December 25, 2015

Threats, Lies and Cries of the Garnier Duo


Truth and lies are funny little animals in today's society. Truth is something told over and over until people believe it to be true. A lie is factual information presented that is objected to by someone who does not like the truth. So, when the Garnier's and Wilson cry harassment, it is usually because someone told the truth about them.

It's a beautiful Christmas day and I am sitting here enjoying a very smooth LA AURORA, Sapphire 1903 Edition cigar and a double 18 year old, Highland Park Single Malt Scotch Whisky. It has been a wonderful, loving, happy day with family and friends. I have ignored my e-mail, telephone and text messages. I'm not on call this holiday and have enjoyed the sights and sounds of Christmas and the joy it brings. I made the ultimate error in judgement and checked my phone after dinner and games.

I am now sitting here puffing my cigar and sipping the fine whisky, musing over several e-mails, a text message and voice mail, all the product of the Garnier family. After sharing with family and friends the content of the various communications Kim and Chris Garnier sent, we all had a good laugh and then discussed the troubling mental state projected in their communications. I will share with you, so you too can understand what these two individuals are all about.

The first is an e-mail sent by Kim Garnier, today at 1:32 pm;

From: Kim Garnier <<>>
Date: December 25, 2015 at 1:32:18 PM PST
To: "<>" <<>>
Cc: TJ Zane <<>>, Andy Patapow <<>>, Charles Sellers <<>>, Kimberley Beatty <<>>, Tholandi <<>>, John Collins <<>>, Tracy Hogarth <<>>, Mel Robertson <<>>, David Hall <<>>, Sue Herndon <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "Steven Dreyer" <<>>, "<<>>" <<>>, Ashly McGlone <<>>, Chris Hurst <<>>, Walter Davis <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>

Subject: Defamation

Ms. O'Connor-Ratcliff,

As Board President, I would like to know how you plan to handle the on-going harassment by Steve McMillan. He is representing Poway Unified School District and his outright lies about my family will be added to any lawsuit we bring to PUSD. He is maliciously and knowingly defaming my family and myself.

Please respond at your earliest convenience. The lies told to Mr. McMillan by PUSD employees and affiliates will cost the district financially.

It's time to put a stop to the attacks against our families. We will take legal action against Mr. McMillan as well as Poway Unified's role in his harassment. What will you do to prevent further litigation for PUSD?

I hope you are enjoying the holidays and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kim Garnier

Before I respond to the above e-mail, I want to be perfectly clear on several points.
  • I DO NOT represent the Poway Unified School District in any way. 
  • I have NOT written nor spoken any "outright lies" about the Garnier or Wilson families
  • I have NOT harassed the Garnier or Wilson family
  • I am NOT "maliciously and knowingly defaming" the Garnier or Wilson family
"The lies told to Mr. McMillan by PUSD employees and affiliates" implies I have had conversations with members of the PUSD who have provided inaccurate or false information to me that I have then, in some way, used to "defame" the Garnier's or Wilson. The information I write about in this BLOG is taken from Public Information Requests I have sought and received. The information I use for my BLOG is an accumulation of this legally obtained information, as well as my personal observations of Christopher and Kim Garnier and Keith Wilson. I have studied e-mails, video of oral comments made at open meetings of the PUSD Board of Education and talked with others (NOT PUSD employees) who too have been witness to the words and actions of these three individuals. The e-mails were written by Chris and Kim Garnier and Keith Wilson. We often say in my line of work, "You can't make this stuff up."

I laughed out loud at this e-mail and what is characterized as harassment of the Garnier and Wilson family. The belly laugh continues as I read that I am in some way, working in concert with PUSD or members of PUSD. Tears begin flowing as I read Kim Garnier demanding to know how the President of the School Board is going to "handle the on-going harassment by Steve McMillan." This coming from two people who have made it their practice to harass and berate others in pubic and hide behind "Free Speech" and their "right" to say whatever they choose, while speaking before the School Board.

Kim Garnier said it is time to stop the attacks against her "families". My writings have not attacked anyone, but have pointed out some very poor behavior of a family. I have a file of e-mails to support my words and a litany of other evidence to support my beliefs. It is amazing to me there is anyone who takes this family serious and supports the re-call effort they have begun.

Some time back, I recall Kim Garnier stating she was done with my BLOG. Her exact words were: 

"I wish you were capable of having a real dialogue about real issues. I'm embarrassed for you that you're reduced to this blog. I stand by my actions within this battle to make things right and I am damn proud of my family. Do you have any idea what my husband and father have given to PUSD for the past 30+ years? Your ignorance is damaging your argument. I'm finished with this blog. It might be the most immature and illogical piece of garbage I've read in my life."  I guess she forgot.

Chris Garnier called my cell phone at 2:18 pm and left a message that I have transcribed below;

"Mr. McMillan sir, how are you? This is Chris Garnier, my telephone number is 858-740-7329. Love to have a conversation with you sir, figure out a time where you and I could sit down and have a have a really good meeting. Since you truly enjoy bashing me and also try and threaten me with your, your, your, your, seamless, inconsequential threats. Anyway, love to have a conversation with you, try to figure out why your hatred is so strong against me and have a mature conversation. You are a police officer I was a marine, we both served our government and I would love to sit down and figure out where the disconnect, the disconnect is. Telephone number again, 858-740-7329 Merry Christmas to you sir and if I don't hear back from you by, we will say next week, I will call back again. Thank you sir, have a fantastic day." 

Things did not end there for the Garnier's Christmas folly of text and e-mail. Chris Garnier sent me a text message at about 2:30;

+18587407329: Merry Christmas sir. I would love to have a sit down conversation with you. I think you need a warning as to your blog as you continue to bash and defame my family and me. Your Miramar education may be the barrier in a realization that you will face major litigation under the name of PUSD if you continue your deceptive and defaming actions. This is your warning sir. Please let me know when you have an opportunity to talk so you won't have to fall under major litigation that is headed your way. In your profile you claim, "I always throw the last punch". I'm looking forward to feeling the impact of that "punch"; figuratively, of course. We all know I'm NOT a violent man but a man full of passion. John Collins threatened me as you continue to do and look where his career is headed. :) Merry Christmas to you. Very Respectfully, Chris Garnier 2:30 PM

I have finished my first cigar and scotch and am onto a nice cup of Starbucks Christmas blend coffee and a My Father Le Bijou 1922 cigar. I will gladly suffer the fools (Chris and Kim Garnier) and enjoy my vices. I again laughed out loud as I read the content of Chris Garnier's text. Chris thinks I am in "need of a warning as to your (my) blog as you (I ) continue to bash and defame my (Garnier's) family and me (Chris Garnier)." I find it comical and pathetic at the same time, that the Garnier's find the writings in this BLOG to be harassment and bashing their family. I will admit I have pulled no punches when delivering my opinions, based on my observations and the evidence I have gleaned from the various e-mails I have read. I will admit laughingly I have only a "Miramar education which may be the barrier in a realization that I will face major litigation under the name of PUSD." Again I laugh out loud (wiping tears from my eyes) as I try and process how I will be facing "major litigation" for posting the content of e-mails, texts and observations. I am even more perplexed as to the nexus between myself and PUSD. But, I will tempt fate and decline an invitation to talk to Chris Garnier, even though I will "fall under major litigation that is headed my way" for declining his kind offer (mocking of course) .

I'm not sure when or how I have made threats toward Chris Garnier. The metaphoric statement in my profile is just that. I have simply written about the words and actions of a man possessed and am not dissuaded by threats of a law suit. To use the words of Chris Garnier, he is "but a man full of passion". Again, I have simply pointed out the actions of a man who claims not to be violent, yet bully's and threatens anyone who challenges him or his beliefs and then throws the race card into the pile. The salutation used to end the text, "Merry Christmas to you. Very Respectfully, Chris Garnier" is disingenuous. Chris Garnier often uses similar salutations at the end of his caustic, threatening e-mails. It's an odd individual who believes using such salutations, excuses bad behavior.

I retired from the PUSD in 2006. I started paying attention to the goings on with PUSD in December 2014, after reading various news articles about the Board of Education. I received a number of telephone calls and e-mails from people concerned with the direction of the district. In my very first BLOG post, I explained the genesis for my writing. It began as a watchdog type venture of the Board of Education. It quickly became evident two members of the Board and a small group of individuals were working in concert. Three of the individuals in this group are Chris and Kim Garnier and Kim's father, Keith Wilson. As I tried to learn more and understand the motivations of this group, I began seeking to identify alliances and connect the dots. I was amazed and dumbfounded at what I discovered. The blatant and caustic attacks and threats toward members of the District by these individuals are unparalleled when compared to anything or anyone else.

The two individuals who stood out among others in their boorish, graceless and oafish diatribes, both written and spoken, was Chris Garnier and Keith Wilson. They have individually and collectively provided enough fodder to provide a picture of their character. If my postings allow for people to make an informed decision, regarding the re-call effort Wilson and the Garnier's are leading, I have made a difference.

In the end, the truth is the ultimate defense. I have posted supporting documents that allow people to garner their own opinions, as they relate to Chris and Kim Garnier and Keith Wilson. If the Garniers or Wilson want to challenge the e-mails I have posted as being fraudulent, feel free. I simply scan the items I received and paid for and post them here.

The lessons learned today further my beliefs about Chris Garnier.





  1. This family is crazy!!! Who the hell does this on christmas day? This is a pattern for them. Their repeated and constant e-mail blasts to a multitude of people is a joke. Chris Garnier is a dangerous person. When will the lunacy end with these people?

  2. Now you know why the judge issued a restraining order against this guy. Everyone knows it is difficult to get a court to issue a permanent 3 year restraining order, especially when it is against a parent of a student and it prevents them from going near the school. This guy is dangerous. He is CRAZY! Keep the information coming. The more people see and know the better.

  3. The pathetic texts and e-mails continue from Chris Garnier. He is clearly a person who lacks maturity and self control. He is delusional to believe his texts, e-mails or voice mails to me will benefit his cause. I do though appreciate his "passion" as it continues to provide support for my beliefs and provide fodder offered for all to see. Gladly suffering the fool....

  4. On Saturday, December 26, 2016, Chris and Kim Garnier sent three text messages (using a new number) and sent a total of 44 postings to this BLOG. The first text was received at 9:02 am, the last 3:20 pm. The BLOG comments began 11:34 and concluded at 11:50 am.

    The content of the text messages;

    (858)722-5568 12/26/15 9:02am I know you were very successful at Miramar but just to help you out a little, this is called satire. (also included was a distasteful youtube video link)

    (858) 722-5568 12/26/15 11:07am For an investigator, you sure do miss a lot. Might I suggest you speak to someone younger and more tech savvy to unearth how obvious it is who your "anonymous" poster is. You're always a few days late and a few hundred dollars short. Have you ever considered therapy for your obsession with the Garnier family? Your excessive drinking and use of derogatory, misogynistic name calling is catching up to you. The beauty of battling with arrogant, entitled people like you is that you don't believe you'll ever be caught. You can either cease the blatant lies and willfull defamation or you can keep piling it on and pay the price for your choices. As you already are well aware, we handle things within the law. We will deal with you in the same fashion. Please feel free to call up Dan Shinoff and ask how things are looking with the Restraining Order and how culpable PUSD will be for John Collins's decisions. Throwing the last lunch is extremely anti-climatic when you're punching air.

    (858) 722-5568 12/26/15 3:20pm Do you have pictures on your wall of my husband? Do you think about us as you fall asleep at night? You were strangely vague in your last post. BTW, have you ever heard the phrase, "Crazy like a fox?" (This text clearly from Kim Garnier. The fruit does not fall far from the tree. She is following in her fathers footsteps and her need to use sexual innuendo.)

    The BLOG comments were again attempts by the Garnier's to post information regarding the re-call.

    The continued and repeated texts, e-mails and attempts to post comments are indicative of their actions towards others. Mr. Patapow has been the subject of a similar campaign at the hands of the Garnier's and Wilson. Repeated and unwanted e-mails, texts, and phone calls, all used in an attempt to harass and bully.

    The Garnier's are legendary in their attempts to "friend" people on Facebook who have spoken out against them and to follow this up with sending friend requested to "friends" of these people in an attempt to spread their hate and monitor the posts of others.

    The danger with people like this, is their actions cause people to stand idly by, thereby empowering this poor behavior. I accept that by writing this BLOG, I will receive unwanted replies to my posts. That comes with the territory. As an elected official, dealing with those who believe it acceptable to harass by sending hundreds of e-mails is also part of the job.

    So, while I continue to write and share my interactions with the likes of Chris and Kim Garnier and Keith Wilson, I will gladly suffer the fools and simply mark their texts and e-mail as SPAM.

    If you too have been sent repeated and unwanted e-mails, texts or telephone calls from the Garnier's, I would love to hear about your experience.

  5. Don't these two have young children at home? Why would someone take the time on Christmas to do this? The only explanation is they are mental. What they are doing is clearly harrassment and threatening. I have never met these people but know who they are from watching school board meetings. They should be banned from the entire school district.

  6. The saga of Chris Garnier continues. This morning, Chris Garnier left a Voice Mail on the office mail system at the law firm I work for. The voice mails was received 12/28/15, at 0824 hours. I transcribed the message verbatim;

    “Hey, Merry Christmas, my name is Chris Garnier, that is G-A-R-N-I-E-R, I’m calling actually for a, actually, Mr. Steve McMillan. I really wanted to ask him about ah, private investments within the capital appreciation bonds. He has avoided my, my, my, my questions and my inquiries and I really believe that and I actually have some proof that he is, is a private investor and I wouldn’t want to, to find out if that is the truth or not. I would, would, like to get to the heart of the matter. Again, Merry Christmas to you and your law offices. My telephone number is (858) 740-7329, again (858) 740-7329. Please pass this message on to Mr. McMillan for me please and let him know that I really have a true inquiry as the NAACP and ACLU as well as far as his ah, his affiliation with private investing with the capital appreciation bond with Poway, with the Poway Unified School District. I appreciate it and look forward to hearing from Mr. McMillan as soon as possible, thank you.”

    This message is another example of the harassing demeanor of Chris Garnier. He clearly knows nothing about the sale of bonds for the CAB. He also knows nothing about my investments. So, for him to make such a statement, it is patently not true. He also throws in the ACLU and NAACP. Their involvement is a mystery and clearly, again, not true. The only rationale for this call is to harass.

    Chris Garnier did not stop there. At about 3:04 pm I received an e-mail. The e-mail was addressed to Ms. O'Connor-Ratcliff with a large list of people being Cc'd. The subject of the e-mail was "Depo Notices". There were 12 attachments with the e-mail. It turns out the e-mail was notice to the PUSD of subpoenas to employees of the district to be deposed by Chris Garnier's attorneys; Genevieve Suzuki and Benjamin Yip. Garnier. The rationale for sending this e-mail to me? I have no standing nor association with PUSD or its employees. The only reason for me to be included in such an e-mail is to harass or intimidate.

    Chris Garnier continues to provide examples of his irrational and bullish behavior. Chris Garnier has yet to provide his reason for actions and words highlighted in various posts. Garnier simply posts spam web sites as comments (44 in one day). Text messages, voice mails and e-mails all sent to harass and intimidate. None, offering a challenge to any information provided related to his words and actions.

    I accept people the focus of negative blog posts will seek to dispute, clarify, explain or challenge what is written about them. This has not been the case. I have been accused of posting lies about Chris and Kim Garnier and Keith Wilson. I am still waiting for the specific challenge to specific information I have written about that is not true. If I have gotten something wrong, I want to make it right. So far, I believe I have gotten it right. Each day I am provided several examples by Chris and Kim Garnier. Their caustic comments used to demean and intimidate. I will gladly continue to suffer the fools and write about what I am given.

  7. You're an investigator and you can't even decipher when a voicemail is left? Ha!!! Wow.

    I have a question, why are you so obsessed with sex?

    If it intimidates you to receive information (you do write a blog) is your intent to stay ignorant? Why wouldn't you want more information? Why wouldn't you choose to meet with us and gather more information? You pick and choose what you see and hear and write lies and misleading stories. How many times have you deleted what we've written on your blog?

    You admittedly ignore facts. You disguise some posts as "anonymous" to bolster your point and make it seem as if more people are reading your blog. You play the victim and claim harassment when included in informative emails. No one else who writes about us is intimidated by viewing court documents. Why does that scare you? You would rather attack a family than tackle any relevant issue. I understand what you're capable of and it seems this whole story is simply out of your grasp.

    Have you "investigated" our neighbors in Escondido? Are you aware of the story up there? Are you aware of the scandals surrounding Dan Shinoff? How about writing about why Trustee Patapow voted to work with the same people who got us into the Billion Dollar CAB? Why did PUSD officials reveal they accepted gifts from the Bond Underwriters only after Sweetwater Unified officials faced criminal charges for not disclosing gifts? How about writing why teachers and parents are buying toilet paper and pencils for classrooms while John Collins makes almost $500,000 a year? Some PUSD schools go without music and PE and the IT Dept is severely behind. What about the Moore Report John Collins destroyed?

    I'm sure you won't publish this text because these are the real issues. The issues you don't want people to be discussing. I wonder if your readers would even take it upon themselves to do their own research and find out more information. This is why the dummies around town tell people not to read our posts or accept a friend request. God forbid people learn!! Stay in the dark, it's much too scary in the light for you Mr. McMillan.



  8. I will respond to your comment by adding my comments within the reply. It just seems to be easier to address your concerns and comments. My comments will be in double ((brackets)).

    This is my response to another ignorant and harassing post from the one and only Nancy Drew, aka: Steve McMillan.

    You're an investigator and you can't even decipher when a voicemail is left? Ha!!! Wow. ((“Decipher when a voice mail is left?” Think it pretty clear when it was left as indicated in each post related to the voice mails.))

    I have a question, why are you so obsessed with sex? ((My obsession with sex? I simply point out yours and your fathers continued play on words that contain or imply a sexual tone. Nowhere in my writing will you find double entendre statements that can in any way be mistaken or thought of in a sexual way.))
    If it intimidates you to receive information (you do write a blog) is your intent to stay ignorant? ((I am not intimidated. I simply said it is my belief your husband intended his e-mail to be a type of intimidation "I can sue you too. I’m already suing these people and putting them through depositions." There is no information in the serving of subpoenas to individuals to be deposed.)) Why wouldn't you want more information? ((There was again, no information provided that contained value.)) Why wouldn't you choose to meet with us and gather more information? ((I have said many times, one way conversations are in no way positive nor productive. Your words both written and spoken provide all the information necessary to make an informed analysis of who you are and what it is you are all about.)) You pick and choose what you see and hear and write lies and misleading stories. ((I do pick and choose what I see. I happen to have a very broad view of things and see a lot. You often repeat your statement that I “write lies and misleading stories” but have yet to point to anything specific that you want to refute or offer opposing information to support that statement.)) How many times have you deleted what we've written on your blog? ((I have not deleted ANY comments written by any poster to my BLOG other than the ones where an individual attaches a link. I accept any comments related to the post for which the comment is posted. I do not edit and do not discriminate. I will not allow you, Chris or your father a platform to post your web site related to the re-call. In my opinion that is spam and it is treated as such. You want to challenge what a poster has written or challenge the content of a specific post, feel free.))

  9. continued

    You admittedly ignore facts. ((I have never admitted that. I don’t agree with this statement.)) You disguise some posts as "anonymous" to bolster your point and make it seem as if more people are reading your blog. ((I simply review post comments to ensure they are not vile, offensive or contain links to sites such as the one Chris attempts to post related to the re-call.)) You play the victim and claim harassment when included in informative emails. ((“Informative emails?” The e-mails received to date from your father, Chris and you have been of little value related to being “informative”. They have offered a look into the character of each of you for others to see but nothing else.)) No one else who writes about us is intimidated by viewing court documents. ((As I stated, I am not intimidated. Try re-reading what I wrote and understand I simply said the e-mails were an attempt to intimidate and harass. It is a game with Chris, your father and you. Pathetic as it is, there is no logical reason to send me an e-mail addressed to the President of the School Board, notifying her of pending depositions and to include the subpoenas, to me or anyone else for that matter.)) Why does that scare you? ((It does not.)) You would rather attack a family than tackle any relevant issue. ((I am not attacking a family. I am pointing out the actions of individuals, using their own words and actions to illustrate their character.)) I understand what you're capable of and it seems this whole story is simply out of your grasp. ((Then you understand much more than I gave you credit.))
    Have you "investigated" our neighbors in Escondido? ((Why would I?)) Are you aware of the story up there? ((I am not. Nor does it have any bearing on your words and actions related to the PUSD, Dr. Collins, Mr. Patapow and others.)) Are you aware of the scandals surrounding Dan Shinoff? ((Not sure how this applies to the actions of you, Chris and your father?)) How about writing about why Trustee Patapow voted to work with the same people who got us into the Billion Dollar CAB? ((There are a multitude of reasons and Mr. Patapow made a decision he believed to be in the best interest of the District. His decision does not rise to the level that necessitates a re-call.)) Why did PUSD officials reveal they accepted gifts from the Bond Underwriters only after Sweetwater Unified officials faced criminal charges for not disclosing gifts? ((Most likely because they were not aware it was required at the time. Laws change, policy changes and the understanding of the rules related to these types of matters are often left to interpretation. Being taken out to dinner, with a number of other trustees from other school districts in a group setting by vendors or others and not disclosing the cost of the $75 meal, is not the big deal you attempt to make it and is again not something that requires a re-call.)) How about writing why teachers and parents are buying toilet paper and pencils for classrooms while John Collins makes almost $500,000 a year? ((I am sure Dr. Collins wished he made $500,000 a year.)) Some PUSD schools go without music and PE and the IT Dept is severely behind. ((All important issues staff have been working on for years. These issues come and go depending on the economy and funding from the state.)) What about the Moore Report John Collins destroyed? ((This is an issue I am going to address in the coming weeks. This is an issue that deserves to be vetted.))

  10. continued

    I'm sure you won't publish this text because these are the real issues. ((Surprise!!!!! Here it is.)) The issues you don't want people to be discussing. ((If the last paragraph is all you have, why the vitriolic ramblings from your father and Chris at every school board meeting? Your point was made months ago.)) I wonder if your readers would even take it upon themselves to do their own research and find out more information. ((Based on the e-mails I receive, the personal conversations I have had and aside from the comments, it appears many are doing their own research. I get information passed to me often from various people.)) This is why the dummies around town tell people not to read our posts or accept a friend request. ((That advice is well grounded and sound. Why would anyone want to experience constant spam by way of text, voice mail and e-mails? The Cc list on the e-mails sent by Chris and your father is pathetic. The reminder or taunts about the Bcc list is childish and simply a joke. The majority of those on the list cringe every time an e-mail shows up in their box. Do you ever wonder why members of the press seldom if ever follow up to the mountain of Cc’d e-mails you, Chris and your father send? They have grown tired of the spam.)) God forbid people learn!! ((Oh, I think people are learning a lot from this exchange. You have done well!!! )) Stay in the dark, it's much too scary in the light for you Mr. McMillan. ((The dark is not one of my phobias or fears. The bright light of the world is a comfort and the comical people that adorn this earth make every day an adventure.))
    Other reporters and players are bcc'ed on this email. ((Yes, we are all fully aware of the Cc and Bcc recipients of your many e-mails. Again, there is a reason I do not respond to such e-mails. They simply serve little if any purpose.)) If anyone would like to see the emails from Kathryn McMillan from her PUSD account, please let me know. ((I am not concerned with the e-mails of my daughter nor is she. I am sure, without hesitation, the e-mails were well written and clearly on point. My daughter is of strong will and extreme intellect who, like her father, is not afraid to speak the truth.)) If anyone would like to see where Steve McMillan is caught in an outright lie, please also let me know. (((Oh, please…. Share.)))


  12. I. Love. This. Blog. I have many friends who know Chris from high school, and back then, they thought he had anger management issues ("scary", "deranged", and "mental" are some of the words used). These exchanges just illustrate how the problem has worsened over time. It's common knowledge at my kids' PUSD school that the recall effort is a terrible idea - not only are ALL of the parents against it (& think this family is crazy), the teachers are against it as well (& they are publicly talking about their feelings). I don't give a crap about the board's opinions, but I do pay attention to what the teachers are saying, and they want Patapaw to stay.


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