The Coalition for Effective School Board Leadership worked diligently over the past several months toward the goal of supporting two candidates for election to the PUSD School Board this November. On Tuesday, August 23rd, the Coalition made the decision to support two of the candidates. The Coalition interviewed all of the candidates, with the exception of Beatty. Beatty declined an interview and did not seek the Coalition's endorsement.
Two days after the endorsements were announced, Kim "Numpty" Garnier, sent an e-mail in true Gobshite fashion. Kim "Numpty" Garnier wrote of a grand conspiracy (See below copy of the e-mail) that is so filled with lies that one wonders if she even knows what truth and reality is. Kim "Numpty" Garnier's e-mail would be humorous if it were not so pathetic. Why anyone would take serious what this Numpty has to say is beyond belief.
The e-mail in question:
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimberly Garnier []
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 4:29 PM
To: BOE D Cooper; BOE Patel; BOE Jimmy Karam; BOE Nick; BOE Kimberley; BOE Norwood; BOE Rodkin; BOE Ware; BOE Chas
Cc:;;; Steven Dreyer; Sorensen, Emily;; NEWS@KUSI.COM;;;;;;; Christine Paik; keith wilson; Linda Wilson; Sue Herndon;;; Steve L. McMillan; Tina McDowell;;; Denise Davis;; MCHS Principal;; David Lemaster; Ron Garrett; Westview HS; Meadowbrook Principal; Twin Peaks Principal; Black Mtn Principal; Bernardo Heights Principal; Mary Tritton Baker;; Gabriela Dow;; Sandi Burgoyne;; Mel Robertson; PUSD-Patapow;;; PUSD-MOR;;; Union Tribune; Steve Breen; Deborah Sullivan-Brennan;;;;; David Hall;
Subject: Dog and Pony Show
Dear 9 Candidates for school board,
If you are one of the 7 candidates whose name does not begin with “D”, I am sorry to inform you that you will not be getting the Candy Smiley/PFT endorsement.
· In secret meetings, Candy Smiley made a deal with Board members Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff and TJ Zane to endorse their sponsored candidates in return for their favorable votes.
· Even though 5 of you are Republicans and there are 2 board seats up this November, TJ Zane, Executive Director of the County Republican Party, made sure that only his candidate, Debra Cooper, got the Republican party endorsement.
· Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff made herself a delegate to the Democratic County Party so she could ensure her candidate, Darshana Patel, got that endorsement.
· The next piece of this Collusion was to have Candy Smiley and PFT’s front group, the “Coalition”, endorse these 2 bought and paid for candidates.
· And, the ever dutiful Steve Dryer, editor of Pomerado News, made the “Coalition’s” endorsement a front page above the fold news article, despite the fact that the Coalition is a fly-by-night operation with no official committee registered with the CA Secretary of State. Did you see anything in the paper about your performances at the Community Forum?
· Now, all that is left is for a sham Poway Federation of Teachers interview process to take place in which, SURPRISE!, the two sponsored candidates (D & D) of these 2 corrupt board members (Zane & O’Connor-Ratcliff) are endorsed, completing their quid pro quo conspiracy.
· Why are they all colluding? All these players benefited from the corrupt Collins Regime. Not only do they want to recreate it, but they want to cover up their illegal actions.
· One of the “D” candidates is being endorsed by the district employee who was the architect of the Billion Dollar Bond.
· Remember when Michelle O'Connor-Ratcliff promised during her campaign she would sever all ties with anyone associated with the Billion Dollar Capital Appreciation Bond? See her voting record and ask why she sides with The Dolinka Group every single time. PUSD's Sandi Burgoyne, responsible for ensuring a pay day for The Dolinka Group, is endorsing Patel.
·There is a group of corrupt individuals in our community and now you are all witness to it. John Collins was just a small piece of this puzzle. We need strong leaders who will not only take a stand against this corruption but leaders who fight for our students, teachers and classrooms.
Understand the battle you are fighting and why we need people with integrity as we move forward.
Good luck to you all.
Kim Garnier
Then there is Keith "Jobby" Wilson, who was in rare form at Tuesdays (August 23, 2016) PUSD School Board meeting. It was clear he had a prepared presentation for the Board under Public Comment, but was derailed by comments from Candy Smiley of the PFT. The Jobby could not help himself and began his presentation with name calling. Keith "Jobby" Wilson called me "Monkey Boy" and appeared to believe I was in the audience. Sorry Jobby, I was busy elsewhere and not there. When I heard Keith "Jobby" Wilson called me "Monkey Boy", I had to laugh. His ignorant, couthless presentation before the PUSD School Board, once again highlights his pathetic lack of civility and class. He continues to be nothing more than the premier GOBSHITE in Poway. (Video coming shortly)
It is time to sharpen my pen and start highlighting the actions of Beatty as a Board Member of the Board of Education. People need to know the reality of her actions. Beatty's actions do not mirror her espoused "Taxpayer Advocate" status. She has, in reality, cost taxpayers millions of dollars by her inaction on items before the board as well as her actions. In future posts I will detail how her inaction and refusal to vote on items related to Melo Roos changes, have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.
In the coming weeks, I will post specific votes and actions Beatty took. I will provide the video of each action and non-action as well as specific documents to show how her actions COST taxpayers millions. I will highlight her inability to follow Board policy and the law.
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