Friday, September 16, 2016

Charles Sellers and the Hostile Work Environment

Below is a copy of a letter I sent to the Personnel Commission for the Poway Unified School District, the Board of Education as well as the Acting Superintendent, Dr. Mel Robertson. If you have been following, you know I spoke at the Board meeting on the 13th of September, detailing an incident that occurred, where Charles Sellers made a baseless complaint of harassment against my daughter. This complaint was in support of Kimberley Beatty's husband. I do not hold out much hope the Board will address these issues, but it is time people are made aware of the actions of Charles Sellers and Kimberley Beatty. These two work in concert, involving the likes of Keith "JOBBY" Wilson and the Gobshite Garniers. 

The Board of Education, Personnel Commission and District Administration is now put on notice, the actions of Charles Sellers have created a hostile environment for their employees.  

September 15, 2016

David Little, Chairperson
Personnel Commission
Poway Unified School District
15250 Avenue of Science
San Diego, CA 92128

Subject: Notice of Hostile Work Environment

Dear Mr. Little,

I am writing this letter as a follow up to comments made before the Board of Trustees, on September 13, 2016. I spoke before the Board during Item C of the agenda, putting the Board and District on notice that Charles Sellers has created a “Hostile Work Environment” for one of its employees. By way of this letter, I am requesting action be taken to ensure the conduct of Mr. Sellers, be addressed.

By way of background, my daughter is a tenured teacher with Poway Unified Schools. Last week she contacted me and was extremely upset. She  communicated  she had just been told one of the School Board Members, Charles Sellers, lodged a complaint against her, saying she had harassed Ned Beatty, Trustee Kimberley Beatty’s husband. My daughter was extremely upset by this allegation.

During Back to School Night (BTSN), Ned Beatty, Trustee Kimberley Beatty’s husband, was placing political flyers on vehicles in the parking lots of the school. He was observed by several employees of the site, as he bobbed and weaved his way through the parked cars. The Athletic Director was headed to his classroom when he saw a person weaving in and out of cars in the lot. He wondered what this individual was doing and started to walk toward the lot. At the same time, the campus supervisor and a male Assistant Principle drove up in a golf cart and the Assistant Principal made contact with the individual, who identified himself as Ned Beatty. The Assistant Principal asked what Mr. Beatty was doing. Mr. Beatty said he is placing flyers on vehicles. The Assistant Principal asked if Mr. Beatty has permission to do this. Mr. Beatty indicated that he in fact does have permission. The Assistant Principal asks if Mr. Beatty is going to come back after BTSN is over and pick up the flyers left on the ground (we all know many people simply remove these papers from their windows and drop them on the ground). Mr. Beatty walks away, but returns and asks the Assistant Principal if he is going to tell the other 4-5 people leaving flyers to pick up flyers. The Assistant Principal explains he (Mr. Beatty) is the first person he has seen doing such an activity. Mr. Beatty presses this issue, repeatedly asking the same question of the Assistant Principal. During the exchange between the Assistant Principal and Mr. Beatty, a female Assistant Principal approached and stood by the golf cart, as did the Athletic Director. Mr. Beatty left and the two AP’s, campus supervisor and AD went about their business.

My daughter was in her classroom, interacting with parents and performing her job. At no time was she in the parking lot during any interaction with Ned Beatty. My daughter is confident Ned Beatty does not know, nor has he ever met my daughter. There would be no reason for my daughter’s name to be uttered by Ned Beatty, as being a participant in his contact with staff at the school site, during BTSN.

So, how did it come to be that my daughter’s name appeared in an e-mail to Dr. Robertson, sent by Charles Sellers, alleging my daughter had harassed Ned Beatty. It is my understanding my daughter was the only person to be identified by name. The others were identified by their position, not name. My daughter was not present in the parking lot during the encounter with Ned Beatty. I don’t believe Charles Sellers was present during the encounter either. So, again, how is it that my daughter, a teacher in this district, was named by name, in a complaint by Charles Sellers, on behalf of Ned Beatty?

There is a process in place for members of the community to file complaints. Article 4, Section 4.106 of Board Policy, which was modified as recently as May 31, 2016, states in its first sentence; “It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to manage complaints from parents, students, or patrons, against employees of the District through a well-conceived and defined procedure.” I will assume Section 4.106.1 is that “well-conceived and defined procedure” which spells out succinctly the process for filing a complaint against a district employee. Mr. Sellers violated Board Policy in the manner he lodged his complaint. 

The fact Charles Sellers penned an e-mail for the purpose of filing a complaint, on behalf of Ned Beatty, is egregious in and of itself. It is also a clear conflict of interest and abuse of power. But to besmirch a teacher, whose name Charles Sellers pulled from who knows where, and file a baseless, unfounded and libelous complaint is deplorable and unacceptable. These actions have created, in my daughters mind, a hostile work environment. To be attacked, defamed and besmirched by a Trustee, without justification or merit, has had a profound effect on her physically and emotionally.

At the conclusion of the August 23, 2016, school board meeting, Charles Sellers verbally attacked Director Tim Purvis, without provocation. Mr. Sellers left the dais and approached Mr. Purvis in a hostile and aggressive manner, yelled at and berated Mr. Purvis who was standing in the audience. A community member, Brian Epperson, stepped in front of Mr. Sellers and told him to stop. There were several other Directors and District staff present who witnessed this event. Many were extremely upset and at least two were crying they were so upset by what they had just witnessed.

I highlight this incident because staff has expressed fear of reprisal for speaking up. They do not believe there is an avenue in place to address the hostile, threatening and bullying actions of Mr. Sellers. These actions have created and continue to create a Hostile Work Environment, not just for my daughter and Mr. Purvis, but other District employees. You have a duty and an obligation under the law to ensure employees of the Poway Unified School District are provided a safe and hostile free environment to work in.

This letter is placing you on notice the actions of Mr. Charles Sellers are unacceptable and have risen to the level of creating a “Hostile Work Environment” for District employees. I trust and pray the District will take appropriate actions to protect its employees and ensure a safe and hostile free environment.

Steve McMillan

Cc:          Daren Keenaghan, Commissioner, Personnel Board
                Margaret Wyatt, Commissioner, Personnel Board
                Dr. Mel Robertson, Acting Superintendent
                Michelle O’Connor Ratcliff, President, Board of Education
                T. J. Zane, Vice-President, Board of Education
                Andy Patapow, Trustee, Board of Education
                Kimberley Beatty, Trustee, Board of Education
                Charles Sellers, Trustee, Board of Education

What the Board of Education, Personnel Commission and District Administration do from this point is any ones guess. I do know the law is clear in this area and action must be taken to protect employees. 

If you are one of the many who have suffered at the hands of Charles Sellers from bullying, yelling, threats or any other means, it is not too late to make your feelings known. Talk to your union representative and share with them your encounter. They will know what you can do and how to handle the issue.               

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Keith "Jobby" Wilson

Keith "Jobby" Wilson continues to prove why he fits, in every manner, the description associated with who and what a "Jobby" is. To help those who have not yet looked it up or don't know it's meaning, let me provide a little insight.

The title of "Jobby" is taken from Scottish slang. The term identifies a piece of excrement. "Jobby or Jobbie" is a Scots term for the brownish substance excreted from ones anus when the bowels are full after a spicy cuisine. When I first heard this term, the immediate thought in my mind was Keith Wilson. He so fits this description I could not think or visualize any other thought that fit more succinctly.

To prove my point, which Keith "Jobby" Wilson does on a daily basis, I share with you an e-mail sent to me from the Jobby, Keith Wilson.

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:31 PM

To: Steve L. McMillan

Subject: You and your daughter are assholes!

I've heard she looks like you, poor bitch!


Nothing more need be said. He makes my case for me. But, he just can't help himself and this morning, sends one of his famous spam e-mails to a group of souls, who daily must suffer this fool.

-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:46 AM

Cc:;;;; Steve L. McMillan;

Subject: PUSD School Board Meeting

Dear PUSD Board Trustees:

I think we were all amazed and appreciative that under public comments there were only two speakers last night. I think this is a sign that the community believes the board is charting a new course away from our dark past.

However, I would be remiss if I did not give a "thumbs down" to Steve McMillan for refusing chemotherapy treatment. Maybe with stage 4 brain cancer it would be hopeless.

Again, I want to thank Kimberley Beatty and Charles Sellers for their courage in rooting out the corruption in our district.


Keith Wilson

Imagine for a moment, Keith "Jobby" Wilson, in a room with young, impressionable children. His grand children for instance. Imagine the influence and example he sets for these impressionable minds. Picture him at the dinner table with his wife, children, grand children as he holds court, telling them his views of life and his day. 

Yea, I too can only shake my head in sorrow and sadness, at the thought of lives lost. 

While I have friends battling various types of cancer, one in her last stages of life as a result of cancer that has destroyed her brain, I find nothing about this pathetic attempt at being funny, acceptable. The despicable, disgusting, pathetic vitriol, spewed by this JOBBY is proof positive he is a mentally sick, narcissistic, assclown. Keith "Jobby" Wilson lacks the intellect to have a normal discourse with others. He masks this lack of ability by spewing the vitriol he does, in hopes of receiving a response. My only response is to share for others to see, who and what Keith "Jobby" Wilson really is.....  I don't have cancer. 

Something for Charles Sellers' Tight Throat

So I'm sitting on my balcony, smoking a cigar, enjoying a scotch (September 8, 2016, 7:39 PM) and my phone comes to life. A text notification pops off and I pick up the phone. The distinct tone indicates the message sender is my daughter. I open the message, which reads as follows: "I was just told that Charles Sellers named me in a formal complaint about Beatty's husband being confronted on BTSN (Back to School Night) in the parking lot... Like WHAT THE HELL????" 

My reply was simple;"What?" "Were you there?" My daughter quickly replied; "I was in my classroom. I had nothing to do with that or with what any of my admin were doing in the parking lots." 

After a brief back and forth Q & A she writes; "So dumb, Like, there are easily a hundred parents that could tell him I was in my classroom because I was, you know, doing Back to School Night, not harassing people in parking lots. And I wouldn't have even bothered to intervene... Why do they feel like they have to drag me into this when YOU'RE the one poking, not me? I have stayed decided out of all of it. I don't comment. I don't speak. I don't blast them on social media. RADIO SILENCE. And YET. WHY. Like, I am so furious and upset now that I can barely focus and I have so much work to do and now I am on the verge of crying because I just don't like feeling attacked this way when I have done NOTHING."

After talking to her for a bit, trying to calm her and provide support, I told her I would do some digging and find out what was going on. My daughter was simply told Charles Sellers filed a formal complaint, naming her as one of the employees who "harassed" Kimberley Beatty's husband as he placed political flyers on vehicles parked in the parking lots of Poway High, during Back to School Night.

I made some inquires the next day. What I discovered is extremely appalling. I learned that Charles Sellers filed a formal complaint on behalf of Kimberley Beatty's husband. The complaint alleged the Assistant Principle, Athletic Director, my daughter and "possibly another teacher" harassed Beatty's husband in the parking lot as he was placing flyers on cars.

The story relayed to me went something like this....

The AD is walking to his classroom and sees someone weaving in and out of cars. He is wondering what the person is doing. He walks toward the person but the campus supervisor and AP, together in a golf cart, drive up to the person. The AP gets out of the cart and asks the person what he is doing. The person is putting political flyers on the windshields of vehicles.The AP asks if the person has permission and the person said "yes." The AP asks for the persons name and address (Identifies himself as Ned Beatty) and then asks if the person will come back and pick up the flyers on the ground after back to school night (knowing most will be tossed onto the ground by owners of these vehicles). The AP does not know who "Beatty" is. Beatty's husband walks away, but returns and asks the AP if he is going to tell the other 4 or 5 people leaving flyers if they will pick up the flyers/trash. The AP tells Beatty he is the first one he has seen doing this activity. Beatty presses the issue and repeatedly asks the AP if he is going to ask the others. The AP responds each time, Beatty is the first person he has seen. During this encounter, the Athletic Director stood by the golf cart with the campus supervisor. At some point, a female AP came over but did not engage in the conversation. Ned Beatty finally walked away and the two AP's, campus supervisor and AD went about their business.

Charles Sellers was not present at this encounter between Ned Beatty and staff. Charles Sellers is a sitting Trustee for the Board of Education for Poway Schools. Charles Sellers made a complaint of harassment against an employee of the district that is without merit and completely false. It appears the only named individual was my daughter, who Charles Sellers named by name.

So, how did it come to be that my daughter’s name appeared in an e-mail to Dr. Robinson, sent by Charles Sellers, alleging my daughter had harassed Ned Beatty. It is my understanding my daughter was the only person to be identified by name. The others were identified by their position, not name. My daughter was not present in the parking lot during the encounter with Ned Beatty. My daughter and Ned Beatty have never met. There is no reason Ned Beatty would utter my daughter's name, as he does not know her and I am confident, does not know of her either. I don’t believe Charles Sellers was present during the encounter either. So, again, how is it that my daughter, a teacher in this district, was named by name, in a complaint by Charles Sellers, on behalf of Ned Beatty?

There is a process in place for members of the community to file complaints. Article 4, Section 4.106 of Board Policy, which was modified as recently as May 31, 2016, states in its first sentence; “It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to manage complaints from parents, students, or patrons, against employees of the District through a well-conceived and defined procedure.”

I will assume Section 4.106.1 is that “well-conceived and defined procedure” which spells out succinctly the process for filing a complaint against a district employee. It would be foolish of me to assume Charles Sellers has read, understands and abides by the procedures spelled out in this section. He clearly does not follow the procedure as it is written.

The fact Charles Sellers penned an e-mail for the purpose of filing a complaint, on behalf of Ned Beatty, is egregious in and of itself. To besmirch a teacher, whose name Charles Sellers pulled from who knows where, and file a baseless, unfounded and libelous complaint, is deplorable and unacceptable. These actions have created, in my daughter's mind, a hostile work environment. To be attacked, defamed and besmirched by a Trustee, without justification or merit, has had a profound effect on her physically and emotionally.

I am calling on this Board to take action against Charles Sellers for his actions. Continued or repeated accusations against employees of the District by Charles Sellers is having a negative effect on students and education. His actions will also subject the District to litigation for the libelous and defaming allegations he puts forth and the hostile environment he is creating.

The process in 4.106.1, was put in place for a reason. It is there to protect the district, ensure the rights of employees are protected and to allow persons with legitimate complaints to be heard. In this case, I believe Charles Sellers is using this process as vengeance. I call on this Board to censure Charles Sellers and show the students, employees, voters, taxpayers and my daughter, these actions will not be tolerated.

As a sitting Trustee, Sellers fills many roles. One is as an adjudicator of discipline and hearing officer for appeals of findings as well as discipline. Sellers has ignored Board Policy and involved himself in an incident he had no business involving himself in. His actions are a clear conflict of interest and an abuse of power.

I spoke at Tuesday (September 13, 2016) nights Board meeting about this issue. I called upon the Board to sanction Charles Sellers. I do not hold out any hope this will  occur as I do not believe the current Board has the testicular fortitude to hold itself or anyone specifically on this Board accountable for their actions or words. This incident is but one of many where Charles Sellers has made allegations against an employee of the District or yelled at or attacked verbally.

Charles Sellers is a pompous ass and bully. He attempts to intimidate, threaten and bully people to get his way. His biggest supporters are Keith "Jobby" Wilson and the Gobshite Garniers. Charles Sellers in an ineffectual Board member and always will be. Why? Because his habitual lack of success is self inflicted by his demeanor and intellect. I really should say "Lack of Intellect" in the case of Charles Sellers. He attempts to portray a higher intellect, but habitually fails.

Charles Sellers e-mail, accusing my daughter of harassing Ned Beatty was a clear act of vengeance, not lost on me. I will repeat what I said to Charles Sellers at the conclusion of my comments;

Charles, my daughter is way out of your league. She simply wants to teach children. You have an issue with me, I'm right here. You leave her out of this.