The title of "Jobby" is taken from Scottish slang. The term identifies a piece of excrement. "Jobby or Jobbie" is a Scots term for the brownish substance excreted from ones anus when the bowels are full after a spicy cuisine. When I first heard this term, the immediate thought in my mind was Keith Wilson. He so fits this description I could not think or visualize any other thought that fit more succinctly.
To prove my point, which Keith "Jobby" Wilson does on a daily basis, I share with you an e-mail sent to me from the Jobby, Keith Wilson.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:31 PM
To: Steve L. McMillan
Subject: You and your daughter are assholes!
I've heard she looks like you, poor bitch!
Nothing more need be said. He makes my case for me. But, he just can't help himself and this morning, sends one of his famous spam e-mails to a group of souls, who daily must suffer this fool.
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:46 AM
Cc:;;;; Steve L. McMillan;
Subject: PUSD School Board Meeting
Dear PUSD Board Trustees:
I think we were all amazed and appreciative that under public comments there were only two speakers last night. I think this is a sign that the community believes the board is charting a new course away from our dark past.
However, I would be remiss if I did not give a "thumbs down" to Steve McMillan for refusing chemotherapy treatment. Maybe with stage 4 brain cancer it would be hopeless.
Again, I want to thank Kimberley Beatty and Charles Sellers for their courage in rooting out the corruption in our district.
Keith Wilson
Imagine for a moment, Keith "Jobby" Wilson, in a room with young, impressionable children. His grand children for instance. Imagine the influence and example he sets for these impressionable minds. Picture him at the dinner table with his wife, children, grand children as he holds court, telling them his views of life and his day.
Yea, I too can only shake my head in sorrow and sadness, at the thought of lives lost.
While I have friends battling various types of cancer, one in her last stages of life as a result of cancer that has destroyed her brain, I find nothing about this pathetic attempt at being funny, acceptable. The despicable, disgusting, pathetic vitriol, spewed by this JOBBY is proof positive he is a mentally sick, narcissistic, assclown. Keith "Jobby" Wilson lacks the intellect to have a normal discourse with others. He masks this lack of ability by spewing the vitriol he does, in hopes of receiving a response. My only response is to share for others to see, who and what Keith "Jobby" Wilson really is..... I don't have cancer.
While I have friends battling various types of cancer, one in her last stages of life as a result of cancer that has destroyed her brain, I find nothing about this pathetic attempt at being funny, acceptable. The despicable, disgusting, pathetic vitriol, spewed by this JOBBY is proof positive he is a mentally sick, narcissistic, assclown. Keith "Jobby" Wilson lacks the intellect to have a normal discourse with others. He masks this lack of ability by spewing the vitriol he does, in hopes of receiving a response. My only response is to share for others to see, who and what Keith "Jobby" Wilson really is..... I don't have cancer.
Thank you for this post. I have not had a laugh like this in years. Your description of JOBBY WILSON is amazing. He is a person who makes my skin crawl. His entire family is disgusting and pathetic. The e-mails he has sent and that you have shown here show who and what this JOBBY is all about. Thank you. Well done. Keep it up.