Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Christopher J Garnier and Free Speech

"Freedom of Speech" is a phrase that is so often used, abused and misunderstood. Let's look quickly at what the First Amendment to the Constitution says; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 

So, "Free speech" in lay persons terms, "is the right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship." What about me and you? Do you and I have to sit idle and be restricted in our response to abuses of "Freedom of Speech"?

Christopher Garnier has written and said many things over the past year. He has a dialog consisting of phrases that are used to bolster his status, in an attempt to make his words more meaningful. Maybe it is his own reputation for rectitude (in his mind) that give him the belief his words are power. His righteousness, justification for conduct producing unpleasant or uncomfortable experiences – affronts to sense or sensibility, disgust, shock, shame, embarrassment, annoyance, boredom, anger, fear, or humiliation. 

Christopher Garnier relishes the spot light. He grabs for the glitz and glamour of his self absorbed worth. He cries racism when challenged for the words he chooses. He deflects when challenged or called out. 

Let's look for a moment at Christopher Garnier, his words and actions and consider his motives. In weighing his interests, we should take into account the importance of his words and conduct to society (keeping in mind the social importance of his right to expression). His mantra is centered on the removal of Dr. John Collins, Superintendent of the PUSD. Garnier has repeatedly attempted to bolster his credibility with self aggrandizing statements. A highlight of the oft repeated statements of Christopher Garnier;
  • I am a man of great pride.
  • When I say something, I stand by my words.
  • I enjoy looking a person in his or her eyes and telling the truth.
  • I'm a former Marine Corps Officer.
  • I served this Great Nation as a Marine Corps Officer and combat helicopter pilot.
  • As a Marine Corps Officer in both Iraq and Afghanistan I was forced to deal with the truth.
  • I am a busy man, raising my three children, own my own business and pursuing my doctoral degree from USC.
  • I'm a scary man because I'm ONLY controlled by my beliefs of righteousness and those beliefs place a mirror in front of those who fall short.
  • Marine Corps Officers live by a code and honesty is the spearhead of that code.
  • My Marine Corps ethos of honor, courage and commitment with the faith that I have been internally blessed with will guide me.
  • I'm a black man and my wife is white.
  • I'm a black disabled veteran.     

You will hear and read these comments in a variety of venues. Christopher Garnier is very adept at producing unpleasant or uncomfortable experiences for people, by the manner in which he comports himself. He uses his color to intimidate and as a shield for protection. The dialog of Christopher Garnier is often an affront to sense and sensibility. He attempts to show disgust for another persons actions, occurring over 20 years ago, yet accepts no responsibility for his own words and actions from past or present. Christopher Garnier intentionally uses words to shock and embarrass. He does so to create fear and humiliate. The question is WHY?   

If there was not a spiteful motive behind Christopher Garnier's words and actions, it would be difficult to argue against his "right" to say what he does. His offensive conduct falling under the theory of "a great social utility" diminishing the greater public voice from overriding his interest. Christopher Garnier may, accordingly, speak and write with freedom, but shall be responsible for abuses of this freedom. 

What spiteful motive could Christopher Garnier have for attacking Dr. Collins and others in the district? What is his motivation? I think it is Christopher Garnier who would best be able to provide this information. Christopher Garnier was once an "Impact Teacher at Del Norte". A job that did not last long. In an e-mail, Christopher Garnier wrote, about his leaving this position, "I am confident I did a great job with the task that you charged me with but because of personal beliefs, I must move one."  This appears to be the genesis for Christopher Garnier's motivation. There is also the short lived "coaching" position Christopher Garnier held within the district. 

To understand fully the motives of Christopher Garnier, there is a video on YouTube I stumbled upon where Christopher and his wife are front and center, telling their story. The video is titled; "Black Marine Pilot Called a "Boy", Punished for Reporting it" (link attached). The video is hosted by Walter Davis, who hosts his own show called "Progress in the World" as well as Nilsa Acevedo, his co-host and host of a show titled "Progress in your World". The video is approximately one hour and forty minutes long. Grab a drink (you will need one) and listen to his words. The motivation for Christopher Garnier is hidden in his words, throughout the video.

I am culling through a stack of e-mails written by Christopher Garnier that will further paint the picture of an individual whose spiteful motive is becoming crystal clear. If you want to see more of Christopher Garnier, check out the blog titled; "San Diego Rostra" and a post titled, "Strike TWO On Poway Schools Recall - Notice Invalidated Again (link attached). 

Until next time, let's shift the focus from Christopher Garnier, his wife and Keith Wilson to "Kids and Education".


  1. You are my hero. Someone finally saying what so many of us have thought and talked about. This person is a bully and a racist himself. He uses his race to protect himself and bully people. He needs to be held accountable for his bullying. Thank you for highlighting what he is all about.

  2. Everyone needs to watch that YouTube video of the Garnier's. Totally amazing. Typical obfuscating of responsibility. These two people are creating their own drama and creating turmoil everywhere they go. He is the true racist here.

  3. I am willing to bet Chris Garnier married a white woman only to help further his cause. In the Youtube video, pay attention to Kim Garnier. Her words are scripted and she appears to be brainwashed.

    Walter Davis is an Al Sharpton wannabe and shares the same view of whites as Chris Garnier.

    "How can that be? Chris is married to a white woman?"

    That is exactly what Chris Garnier wants you to ask, hence my comment above.

    Why did Keith Wilson jump on the bandwagon? Because he is tired of paying the bills. The Garnier business is a failure and Mr. Wilson is tired of bailing out his daughter. Mr. Wilson is actually dumb enough to believe the lawsuit Kim and Chris have filed against PUSD will pay off. Therefore, he's leading the pack in the recall effort and writing disgusting Emails to PUSD staff.

    If the recall effort were a vote to either
    A. Remove the Wilson's and Garnier's from this community
    B. Recall Andy Patapow,
    not only would A. win, they'd have people volunteering to help pack their bags.

  4. That video was filled with so many lies (overt and by omission) and half truths, it was hard to keep track.

    In what Democratic society is it permissible for a candidate to develop his own ballot which creates an unfair advantage?

    In what U.S. court room would a judge issue a three year restraining order for someone speaking his mind and challenging an administrator versus actual threats or credible perceived danger?

    And finally, the Garnier's characterization of a mixed race couple being an oddity and reason for scorn in the PUSD community is absolutely false. This I know first hand as the White wife of an African-American man with bi-racial children who attended PUSD schools K-12. We chose PUSD for its ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity. There are MANY families like ours in the PUSD community and in all our years attending sporting events, PTA meetings, back to school nights, plays, concerts, etc. we NEVER felt even a hint of discrimination. To suggest the existence some sort of institutional racism in our school district is absurd.

    It is not the color of their skin that alienates the Garniers, it is the content of their character.

  5. Chris Garnier your "comment" has been deleted and marked as SPAM.


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